Do I dare?

Monday, October 02, 2006


So this past weekend I was fully prepared to post a blog with pictures of my apartment, along with some pictures and from the Plano balloon festival that I went to last Sunday (or rather, two Sundays ago, now that it's Monday). But sadly, on Sunday, when I logged onto my blog site, grabbed my digital camera, and then attempted to find the cord to attatch my camera to my computer and upload the pictures ... the cord was nowhere to be found!! Sad, sad day. I guess I left in Michigan, so pictures will have to wait until a) someone at home finds my cord and mails it to me, or 2) (and let's be honest -- this is the more likely option!) I go home next month for Thanksgiving and find the cord myself.

So pictures are going to have to wait even longer!!

Speaking of going home for Thanksgiving, I have my travel plans all worked out, tickets purchased, the whole nine yards!! Very excited about that, but of course I couldn't do it the easy way. Oh no, it's me -- so that means I managed to plan for myself some kind of adventure. In looking up plane tickets online (haha, one of my favorite pasttimes -- even if I have nowhere to go, or no money to buy the tickets, I like to look for good prices and pretend ... :D) I discovered that it was nearly $150 cheaper for me to fly into Chicago rather than Detroit. And, as I learned last summer, Amtrak has some fairly inexpensive train tickets to get me from Chicago to Ann Arbor. So here is the adventure I have planned: on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I'm planning for a funfilled (ha!) day of traveling ... flying from Dallas to Chicago, rushing to the bus station, hopping on a Metra bus to take me from the airport to Union Station, then catching a 5 hour train ride back to Ann Arbor -- which is now so convieniently close to my family's new home! After Thansgiving, I'm being a bit smarter, and spreading my travel time out. I'm taking the train back to Chicago Saturday evening, meeting up with Anne Forde, one of my best friends and roommates from college, spending Sunday with her in Chicago, and flying back to Dallas early Monday morning. Yeehaw!! (to quote the Texans -- and yes, I actually did hear someone do that, although it was at a comedy show, and he was just trying to be funny... who does that?!!) So there you have it. Me and another one of my adventures. And again, it's happening around Thanksgiving. That's apparently a good holiday for me. Three years ago I went to St. Louis, 2 years ago I split the holiday between NYC and LA(Burbank), last year I actually made it home... and I think that's when the massive pumpkin-pie-baking-extravaganza was taking place, organized by my little brother Joel, the future restraunteer ... Ah, such good memories all around!! Allright, enough of that. So here's to another good week, and the weekend roadtrip to San Antonio fast approaching!!


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Liz said... could swing by a Best Buy (or whatever equivalant they have there) and buy a new cord. :) I'd love to see pictures!! Especially of the balloon festival - that sounds awesome!!

I'm glad you get to go home for Thanksgiving!


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