Do I dare?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

That man is insane......

It's the first week in August, and as I have done every summer at this time for the last few years, I have been glued to the television every night, watching the XGames with my brothers. (Well, the last few years it has been with my brothers -- this year it's just Joel and I, although I assume Josh is watching as well, in Pigeon.)

Anyway, cray, CRAZY people compete on the XGames, and it is spectacular! haha, I love it!! Well, other than the segments where they show everyone crashing, one after that other. Blah, I cover my eyes when those segments air -- all but a small peekhole through my fingers, and I end up watching anyway. I can't help it. It's like an ambulance parked by the side of a building, or police cars on the side of the road -- you know you're not going to be happy with what you see, but nonetheless you look, and you can't turn away!!

So last night the Moto X best trick competition was on, and the most insane man on the surface of the planet earth was competing -- Travis Pastrana -- and it was rumored this psycho was going to attempt a double back flip, should he need the points to win. He's sitting there in an interview, being questioned about it, and tells the interviewer that she should give his mother a hug, and tell her that should anything happen to him, he's just doing what makes him happy, blah blah blah. I mean, he's sitting right there, readily admitting there's a very good chance his brains are about to be splattered all over the staple center dirt. My heartrate picks up a bit during airplane takeoffs, cuz there's always the thought in the back of my head that maybe, just maybe, although highly unlikely, the plane is going to fall back to earth. It is so much more likely that Travis and his dirt bike were going to fall from the sky as he attempted to flip it twice in the air, so his heart had to be going double time. Well, either that, or he just knows how to make for must-see TV. Really, he probably knew all along that the trick was a cinch, he could nail it perfectly, no matter how utterly insane it sounded, and there was nothing to worry about. I don't know though, he did suit up in the biggest, bulkiest, safety gear I've seen any of these guys wear, before attempting his crazy stunt. He lumbered around after putting it on, kind of like the kid from "Little Giants" whose mom raps him up in foam packing material, cuz the football pads he had "weren't good enough"... but i digress.

Long story short, the crazy, crazy man flips his bike twice, lands it perfectly, makes XGame history again, and wins the gold. Part of my still shudders every time I think about it, the other part of me is in love!! Kidding. Well, maybe not...


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Adam said...

Wait a're telling me if I do my double flip on tv I get a gold medal? Sign me up for the x-games...I hope you are doing well, getting ready to move and all of that...


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