Do I dare?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

four months later

I'm not quite sure what to write here anymore. It's not as if interesting, note-worthy things haven't happened; I just get to wrapped up in all the little things to write on this. Maybe I can get into the habit of writing again. I don't really want to say that's my new year's resolution, because those seem too easily broken. But the beginning of the new year is as good a time as any to try to reinstate good habits. So here goes.

The holidays were fabulous. Truly. I learned to snowboard (more or less), dug my old ice skates out of my parents basement and spent an hour or so one day remembering how much I loved to ice skate, had a great Christmas with my family, my little brother proposed to his girlfriend (excuse me, fiancee) -- who is wonderful and perfect for him so I'm excited for them and their winter wedding to be held next year, I spent a crazy week (including new year's eve) in Chicago with my best friends from DePauw, and made it back to Dallas after the 20 hour car ride, just as I was starting to miss my friends here.

Work continues to both challenge and fulfill me. I'm considering spending another year at Wesley-Rankin, but have not made that decision final yet. A couple months ago I was trying to get a scholarship to study in Ireland for a year, but since that didn't go through, I had/have to rethink my gradschool plans. It most certainly will happen before too long. But I think I might be able to tie up a few more loose ends if I stay a bit longer here. But I (should) will delve more into that later. For now, I'll just be satisfied with this first step back into keeping up with this thing. Although now I doubt anyone bothers checking it anymore! (Sorry guys!!)